
Hi, and welcome to my blog-turned-place where I post my writing. This is my outlet to put them up, which was radically different from the blog that this started out as. I hope you'll have a good time reading my blog/place where I post some poetry and some short stories. I try to cover a variety of topics in these works of mine, so I hope any readers will enjoy it. I'm not an English major by any stretch, but I enjoy writing. Critique would be nice for my writing, cause lord knows I could work on it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Trip

At last! The time is FINALLY here!

This is the moment where I go to the airport, to overseas!
Well, here's to the future and what I will see!

Here's to the new streets I will walk on,
Here's to the new things I will eat, the things I'll eat
Here's to the pictures I'll be taking.
Yup, I'm excited!

Here's to the plane rides where I'll be counting down the hours until we land,
The bus rides that will take us to our destinations,
The hotels and hostels that will be my home for eleven sweet days!

Well, I propose a toast. A toast to this trip.
Here's to the people I'll meet,
The things that I'll buy and take home,
The memories I will make.

Yes, the memories I make and the people I'll meet.
Forever and always.

These memories will be in my heart forever.




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