
Hi, and welcome to my blog-turned-place where I post my writing. This is my outlet to put them up, which was radically different from the blog that this started out as. I hope you'll have a good time reading my blog/place where I post some poetry and some short stories. I try to cover a variety of topics in these works of mine, so I hope any readers will enjoy it. I'm not an English major by any stretch, but I enjoy writing. Critique would be nice for my writing, cause lord knows I could work on it. Enjoy!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Classes for college

This is a bit late, as I got my classes ahead of time, as I'll be at UNCG next week. Anyways, I got the classes I wanted and I'm pretty happy about them too. This is my schedule, if anybody is interested:

German 201 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 2-2:50
History 131 (American History to 1865) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8-8:50 AM
Econ 201B (Principle of Macroeconomics) on Mondays from 6-8:30 PM
Math 110 (Finite Math with Applications) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30-1:45
PSCI 101A (Intro to political science) on Thursdays from 2-3:15
FSEM 100LL (Maps and Politics) year round on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4:15

Note that I'm taking the maximum 18 credits for a semester. Hope it doesn't kill me, though we'll see about that.

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