
Hi, and welcome to my blog-turned-place where I post my writing. This is my outlet to put them up, which was radically different from the blog that this started out as. I hope you'll have a good time reading my blog/place where I post some poetry and some short stories. I try to cover a variety of topics in these works of mine, so I hope any readers will enjoy it. I'm not an English major by any stretch, but I enjoy writing. Critique would be nice for my writing, cause lord knows I could work on it. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chinese-Taipei baseball domination

While I'm proud that they beat Aruba, it got to the point where they should have ended it ASAP. I mean, winning 20-3 is just killing the spirit of competition. When you're winning 13-0 at the top of the 3rd inning, they should just end the dang game. Yeah, I know the Aruban team is here and might want to play more, but enough really is enough.

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