
Hi, and welcome to my blog-turned-place where I post my writing. This is my outlet to put them up, which was radically different from the blog that this started out as. I hope you'll have a good time reading my blog/place where I post some poetry and some short stories. I try to cover a variety of topics in these works of mine, so I hope any readers will enjoy it. I'm not an English major by any stretch, but I enjoy writing. Critique would be nice for my writing, cause lord knows I could work on it. Enjoy!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sadly, I know about this horror

Today in band, we sightread a song about the massacre of 20,000 Jews in Kiev back during World War 2, which the song was called "Babi Yar". When Mr. Holder was talking about how the Jews were systematically lined up to be shot in pits, everybody was deadly quiet; sadly, as I've been to Auschwitz just over a week ago, I'm (unfortunately) conditioned to these horrors. Literally, it was extremely quiet with some people just shocked into silence. He said that these people were housed until there was enough space in the ditches to shoot them. Why must people be that bad to fellow humans? Simple-some are crueler than others, some just want to blend in and survive. Anyways, I feel that it was an eye opener to some people, cause there's no way we can fathom the horrors that went on during the Holocaust; even to this day, I still cannot believe the realities of what I saw at Auschwitz. Just playing this song Babi Yar, I feel connected to the one and a half million souls staring down at me as I took every step through Auschwitz and Birkenau. I feel that I NEED to play my heart out to emote the feeling of what the prisoners felt.

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